Support Our Ambassadors
Adopt a Raptor
You can choose to support the entire Raptor Program, or symbolically adopt a favorite bird or species for yourself or a loved one. All of our raptors were injured or imprinted in some way before coming to Schlitz Audubon, and as such are unable to return to the wild. Your support helps us provide each bird with a specialized diet, specialized species-appropriate enrichment, and a healthy “forever” home in our raptor mews.
Adopt a Turtle
You can choose to support the entire Animal Ambassador Program, or symbolically adopt a favorite turtle or species for yourself or a loved one. Each of our three adoptable turtles live in the Great Hall, ensuring all visitors can get a close-up view of these charismatic creatures during any visit. Your symbolic adoption will help us provide the best living environment and care for each of our turtles.