Since 1971, Schlitz Audubon has been a home for environmental education and outdoor discovery. While exploring our six miles of trails you will walk by prairies, ponds, forests, ravines, and Lake Michigan shoreline. Our trails encompass a growing number of wheelchair accessible paths and boardwalks, inviting everyone to explore nature regardless of age or ability.
Visit Schlitz Audubon Nature Center

Plan Your Visit
Our trails are open 8:30am-5:00pm daily. More >

Hiking Trails
Our six miles of hiking trails, including accessible boardwalks, take visitors through forests, ponds, restored prairies, and Lake Michigan shoreline on 185 acres. More >

Since 1974, 262 species, including 36 warbler species, have been observed at the Center. Our varied habitats provide a crucial stopover for migrants, breeding, and overwintering birds. More >

Group Visits
Schlitz Audubon welcomes larger groups such as those from daycares and senior centers to explore our nature center. More >

Learn about our trails, building facility, and other Center guidelines. More >

Animal Ambassadors
Our Animal Ambassador team consists of reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. More >

Art Gallery
Schlitz Audubon hosts seasonal artist exhibits throughout the year in our Mezzanine Art Gallery. Located on… More >