Yes. The Center is wheelchair accessible, with elevator access to every floor of the building. The parking area and certain trails are wheelchair accessible with either asphalt or crushed limestone. Our 1.65 mile Central Wetlands Loop off our parking lot is now fully-accessible. We do not recommend wheelchairs on other trails. Consult our map or the front desk for details.
No. Our shoreline beach is not tested for water quality. In addition, we have no lifeguard and swimming could be dangerous.
No. We are a nature preserve with wildlife and natural plantings, and therefore do not allow any pets. Please do not leave them in cars. Registered service dogs, however, are welcome. Service dogs must be on a leash and under the control of their owner/handler.
No. We encourage cyclists to ride to Schlitz Audubon and use our bike racks. To protect our land and its natural inhabitants, as well as other visitors, bicycling is not allowed on trails.
Yes. While we do not have picnic facilities, you are welcome to bring a meal or snacks. Please pack it in and pack it out. Our Veranda or Hearth Room are great places to enjoy a meal.
No. Schlitz Audubon Nature Center is an independent, locally-supported partner of the National Audubon Society. Admission and membership support our mission and help us to maintain our trails.
No. Join us for one of our ponding programs, where you will be able to see the creatures that live in our ponds. Due to invasive species, we do not allow ponding outside of our programming. Please do not bring your own nets to the Center.
No. Collecting, hunting, or fishing is prohibited at the Center. Please enjoy nature, but do not take it home. The only exception to this policy is beach glass found on the Lake Michigan shoreline. You’re welcome to help us clean up beach glass, or any other trash that washes ashore!
Yes, please be considerate of wildlife and other visitors when using mobile phones. No speakers. Nature offers a magnificent soundtrack for everyone to enjoy.
Nature, portrait, and wedding photographers are welcome at Schlitz Audubon during our regular hours of operation. All photographers and their clients must stay on the trails and follow other trail guidelines. Admission or membership is required for all photographers and their clients. Please do not interfere with the enjoyment of other visitors and students. Please see drone policy below. If you plan on utilizing lighting, props, and/or indoor space, call ahead for permission 414-352-2880 x141.
No, drones are not allowed, as they can disturb wildlife and other visitors.
Winter recreation activities, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are welcome at Schlitz Audubon. However, our trails are multi-use and not groomed. When there are 3 inches of snow on the ground, prairie areas west of the building, and the West Meadows are open for use. These areas can be accessed from the preschool parking lot. In order to prevent damage, please do not use snowshoes on the boardwalks,
Snowshoes are available for ages 10 and up, free for members, or $10 for non-members.
Yes! Learn about group visits.
Schlitz Audubon has several skilled natural science educators who spend their days teaching about our regional Wisconsin flora and fauna. Email naturalist@schlitzaudubon.org to contact our staff.
To find out what action you should take, you can contact the following organizations:
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources by calling 608-267-0866 or by emailing DNRWildlifeSwitchboard@wisconsin.gov.
- A local wildlife rehabilitator:
- Milwaukee: Wisconsin Humane Society at (414) 431-6204
- Lake Geneva: Fellow Mortals at (262) 248-5055
- Ozaukee County: Pineview Wildlife Rehab at (262) 692-9021
- Dane County: Dane County Humane Society at (608) 287-3235
Schlitz Audubon Nature Center does not accept injured or deceased wildlife.