Adopt a Raptor!
You can choose to support the entire Raptor Program, or symbolically adopt a favorite bird or species for yourself or a loved one. All of our raptors were injured or imprinted in some way before coming to Schlitz Audubon, and as such are unable to return to the wild. Your support helps us provide each bird with a specialized diet, specialized species-appropriate enrichment, and a healthy “forever” home in our raptor mews.
With a gift of any amount, you or your honoree will receive a letter acknowledging the donation. At the levels listed below, you or your honoree will receive an adoption packet with the following benefits:
Sky Glider | $50+
- Trading card featuring your raptor
- Formal adoption certificate
- 3.5” commemorative raptor ambassador sticker
Wind Walker | $250+
- All of the above, plus:
- Personal meet & greet with your adopted bird, including photo