Learn about the science of ecology hands-on by exploring the 185 acres of Schlitz Audubon. Students delve into ecological concepts through a guided hike. Naturalists help students foster an understanding of photosynthesis, biodiversity, and predator-prey relationships by observing and identifying wildlife, plants, and evidence of animal behavior. Students also meet a live animal ambassador and learn about how it fits in and adapts to the ecology of its native habitat. Students leave with an appreciation for the interconnectedness of nature.
Standards Met: SCI.LS1.B.m; SCI.LS2.C.h; SCI.LS2.D.h; SCI.LS4.C.h; SCI.LS4.D.h; SCI.ESS2.D.h; SCI.ESS2.E.h; SCI.ESS3.A.m
Length: 2.5 hours
Fee: $8 per student
Minimum fee: $150
Number of student limit: 50