Sky Walker

Red-tailed Hawk
Buteo jamaicensis
As a young bird, Sky Walker found her way into a family’s backyard. The family recognized that she needed help and took her to a wildlife rehabilitator. It was determined that she lacked the skills to survive in the wild. Sky Walker can often be seen at the Raptor Exhibit greeting visitors at the Center.
Hatch Year: 1999
Average Weight: 1½-3 pounds | Sky Walker: 3 pounds
Wingspan: 45-52 inches
Lifespan in the Wild: 15 years
Lifespan in Captivity: 25 years
Fun Fact: When she first came to us, Sky Walker did not know how to fly, and was thus named “Walker.” After she learned to fly, her name was changed to reflect her new skill.
About my Species: Red-tailed Hawks are the most commonly seen raptor in Wisconsin and across North America. They are aptly named, molting in a cinnamon-red tail after they reach adulthood at about 1 year of age. You’re most likely to see them perched alongside roadways, looking for prey.