When you get married at Schlitz Audubon, capturing photos of precious moments from your wedding day will memorialize feelings of warmth and love. Our picturesque habitats and landmarks provide the perfect backdrop for memories of your special day. Choose from six miles of beautiful hiking trails surrounded by seasonal native plants, ever-changing foliage, and wonderful wildlife to preserve in your images.
We do ask that our wedding photographers and party members follow our photography guidelines. Because we are a nature center, we ask that you stay on the trails. Drones are not allowed, as they can disturb wildlife and other visitors.
We’ve highlighted some of the best and most distinct places on our trails.
Lake Michigan

No matter the season or the weather, the colors of Lake Michigan are always changing, based on cloud cover, time of day, and wave action. During winter, our majestic beach may be covered by unforgettable ice formations. On warm days, this beautiful landscape is filled with soft, grainy sand as well as interesting rocks, fossils, and beach glass. During the growing season, enjoy a wall of greenery between the ever-changing beach to the lush terrace. The shoreline is a wonderful sight at any time of year.
With a four-person golf cart provided by Schlitz Audubon for our couples on your wedding day, the beach is just one short ride away! During the Center’s resplendent springtime, stop on your way down to appreciate spring ephemerals, such as trout lily, trillium, bloodroot, and Virginia bluebells.

The Observation Tower

If you’re looking for an amazing panoramic view of Lake Michigan and the tree canopy of Schlitz Audubon, our 60-foot observation tower awaits you. This tower is a favorite for hikers during the day, as well as couples getting a shot of a sunset or incredible Midwestern sky. There are 99 steps to the top, but imagine hand-holding and laughter to be captured along the way!
In the fall, colors abound from deep reds to bright yellows and oranges from a variety of trees, including red oaks, shagbark hickory, sugar maple, and spruce.
Mystery Lake Boardwalk

Don’t miss the opportunity to take pictures at the Mystery Lake Boardwalk, reachable by a quick golf cart ride on our Central Wetlands Loop. Upon seeing this lake, you’ll understand its mysterious beauty. In summer, observe the magnificent white flowers of the water lilies and watch the turtles sunbathe upon the logs. You may even see ducks meandering by. The fascinating angles of the winding boardwalk juxtaposed with the woods provide a variety of opportunities for photography. The boardwalk’s sweeping arc offers a grand view of the changing fall colors – dogwoods with white berries, the purple tinge of grey dogwoods, and much more! You may even stumble across a gentle deer browsing within the area.
Gateway Trail

To witness a wonderfully diverse section of Schlitz Audubon, visit our wet prairie, one of Wisconsin’s rarest habitat types, on the Gateway Trail. There is always something flowering to photograph throughout the growing season. While on the boardwalk in the summer, you will be surrounded by baptisia, or wild indigo, with its bright white flowers. Golden Alexanders are also seen dispersed throughout the prairie grasses, while prairie blazing star splashes with color. You’ll also find bottle gentian, with clusters of violet-colored, bottle-shaped flowers, sitting on top of whorled leaves. In the fall, you’ll have the opportunity to photograph Indian grass and bluestem, purple tufted plants with flat or folded leaf blades.
With six miles of trails across 185 acres, these are just a few of the locations of natural beauty that our Center offers for your wedding photographs!
Feature photo: Realife Photography