Winter is an indescribable time of year on Lake Michigan. The lakefront transforms to an ephemeral, otherworldly landscape of ice and snow.
The Winter Lake exhibit celebrated a stunning time of year through photographs by Zoe Finney, Creative Lead and Photographer at Schlitz Audubon. Lake Michigan is a source of inspiration for Zoe the entire year, but there is undeniable beauty and awe that comes from experiencing the lake in wintertime. No matter the conditions, and especially on the coldest days, Zoe treks down to Lake Michigan to capture the light colors and dramatic landscape.
An Ever-changing Winter Lake
Each day is different on the shoreline. You may find frigid crashing waves, pastel hues from an early January sunset, or the bold blues of Lake Michigan and sky, contrasted with a vast stark landscape comprised of ice canos, ice caves, and ice bridges. The beauty of our winter lake is in its ephemeral nature and how it changes from day to day, sometimes hour to hour. Living in Milwaukee, on Lake Michigan, we get to be active observers of this incalculable soul of Nature.
Gallery Reception
At the Gallery Reception, Zoe was available to discuss her art and process. This event was free and open to all.
It is Zoe’s hope that these images will inspire you to bundle up, hike to the landscape of ice that awaits you, and experience The Winter Lake for yourself.