The warmth of July is here! Monarchs have returned, wildflowers are blooming, and Lake Michigan has warmed enough to wade. Patches of bright color: yellow, orange, purple, and pink, are popping up all over the Center, some of the most dramatic currently being patches of Butterfly Weed and Common Milkweed, and the butterfly and insect species that are drawn to these plants. Visit this weekend and see what colors you can spot!

Monarch Caterpillar in a bunch of Butterfly Weed. Butterfly Weed is a species of milkweed.

Butterfly Weed, up close.

Monarch Caterpillar eating and readying itself for its next lifestage: chrysalis.

Common Milkweed flowers up close.

Monarch Butterfly eating Common Milkweed.

An area filled with Common Milkweed at the Center.

Great Spangled Fritillary on Common Milkweed.

Silver Spotted Skipper

A flower yet to unfurl.

Lily Pads on Mystery Lake.

Female Ruby Meadowhawk at Schlitz Audubon.

Blue Dasher at Schlitz Audubon.