Turkey Vulture
Cathartes aura
Tallulah passed away in the summer of 2024.
Tallulah became imprinted on people and thinks of her caretakers as her social group. Because imprinting is a permanent mental state, she is not able to associate with other Turkey Vultures and does not know how to search for food.
Hatch Year: 2002
Average Weight: ~4 pounds | Tallulah: 3½ pounds
Wingspan: 67-70 inches
Lifespan in the Wild: 15 years
Lifespan in Captivity: 30 years
Fun Fact: Tallulah is a curious bird and uses all of her senses to observe and explore her environment. Her most important tool is her nose, which can smell food from over a mile away!
About my Species: Turkey Vultures are nature’s recyclers. They migrate to Wisconsin every March and begin to clean up the carrion alongside roadways and other areas. They have one of the best noses in the animal kingdom and have been known to smell their food from up to a mile away.